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Providing women of all ages opportunities to establish and foster lasting friendships.   

TBT’s Sisterhood actively engages its members by offering a variety of activities and points of connection throughout the year. As a member of Sisterhood, women participate in charity within the Temple Beth Tikvah congregation and the greater community. Additional activities include holiday cooking and baking, Mahjong tournaments and weekly games, leading services, Rosh Chodesh, Mitzvah Maven crocheting and knitting, educational programs, providing scholarships for youth, running the TBT gift shop, and more.

In addition, Sisterhood’s connection to Women of Reform Judaism offers opportunities in Social Action Projects and Leadership Roles within a nationwide group of 65,000+ strong women.  

Click Here > For Sisterhood Membership Form


Movers and Shakers of Sisterhood:
Evelyn Bell-Past President/ Tributes/ WRJ Pacific District Programming Committee member
Sherri Chapman-Treasurer
Barbara Levine-Secretary
Fran Sherman- Membership
Marian Fluger-Programming/Fundraising/Mahjong Tournament
Denise Schwartz-Tributes/ Mitzvah Mavens Crochet and Knit group making blankets for babies in our congregation and items for Pathways of Hope and other outreach organizations.
Rabbi Miriam Van Raalte- Scholarship/ Sisterhood Shabbat/ Holiday Event
Alyse Kirschen-WRJ Liaison
Lisa Barbarick-Gift Shop/Wine and Cheese Reception before Shabbat Services
Joan Filowitz-Holiday Baking
Bobbie Lansman-Holiday Baking
Carol Goodman-Volunteer Special Programs
Elaine Asa- Volunteer for Sisterhood Shabbat
Daphna Gutterman-Volunteer
Esther Amsterdam-Volunteer
Janice Goldberg -Volunteer

Wed, October 16 2024 14 Tishrei 5785