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Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
     8:30am Ping Pong
     9:00am Confirmation Class
     9:00am Religious School
     1:00pm Movie Mavens
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     11:30am Mahjong
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     9:00am ECLC Shabbat
     12:00pm Rabbi Miriam's Pre-Shabbat Schmooze
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
  • 5:31pm Candle Lighting
     7:00pm Friday Night Services
     8:30am Ping Pong
     9:00am Religious School
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     11:30am Mahjong
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     8:30am Ping Pong
     9:00am Confirmation Class
     9:00am Religious School
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     11:30am Mahjong
     12:00pm Gesher - Early Pick-ups for Conference Week
Taanit Esther
Erev Purim
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     12:00pm Gesher - Early Pick-ups for Conference Week
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     9:00am ECLC Shabbat
     12:00pm Gesher - Early Pick-ups for Conference Week
     12:00pm Rabbi Miriam's Pre-Shabbat Schmooze
     5:00pm Purim Shpiel and Dinner
  • 6:42pm Candle Lighting
     7:00pm Friday Night Shabbat Services
Shushan Purim
Ki Tisa
     8:30am Ping Pong
     8:30am Mitzvah Meals with TBT at TBS
     11:30am Mahjong
     12:00pm Rabbi Miriam's Pre-Shabbat Schmooze
  • 6:48pm Candle Lighting
     7:00pm Friday Night Service
     9:00am Torah Study
     10:00am Shabbat Morning Services
  • 7:55pm Havdalah
     8:30am Ping Pong
     9:00am Confirmation Class
     9:00am Religious School
     11:30am Mahjong
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     7:30am ECLC Birthday Celebration
     9:00am ECLC Shabbat
     12:00pm Rabbi Miriam's Pre-Shabbat Schmooze
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
  • 6:53pm Candle Lighting
     7:00pm Friday Night Refugee Awareness Services & Mitzvah Project Collection
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     11:30am Mahjong
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     7:30am ECLC in Session
     9:00am ECLC Shabbat
     12:00pm Rabbi Miriam's Pre-Shabbat Schmooze
     2:00pm Gesher in Session
     6:00pm Wine & Cheese Pre-neg
  • 6:58pm Candle Lighting
     7:00pm Kol Tikvah Shabbat Service
     9:00am Torah Study
     10:00am Shabbat Morning Services
  • 8:05pm Havdalah


Mon, March 10 2025 10 Adar 5785