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Youth Education

Here at TBT, we are excited to offer a variety of educational programs tailored to match each child's own learning style. From Religious & Hebrew School to Teen Beit Midrash, we make enriching education a central part of Jewish life throughout childhood and beyond.

TBT believes that the synagogue is an extension of the family. Together, with your children and grandchildren, you will engage in Shabbat, festivals, community, and Torah in a whole new way. Renew your own Jewish connection as your children learn to appreciate their unique heritage.

Remember going to Hebrew School and not knowing how to speak anything beyond your memorized Torah portion, or giving up soccer practice on Saturdays and coming away not really appreciating anything about Jewish culture?

Temple Beth Tikvah offers a completely unique approach to change the vision of what Jewish religious education should look like in Orange County. Our program provide Chavaya which means experience. From Preschool through 12th Grade children will be immersed in:



Learning and Living Jewish Values

Hebrew through Culture and Conversation

Weekend Shabbatons

B’nai Mitzvah with Meaning

NFTY Teen Leadership Engagement

Early Childhood Learning Center

E.C.L.C. is more than a school. We are a community of parents, children, teachers and staff that come together in creating an enriching experience for our children and providing a safe, nurturing environment for them to grow.

Our “whole child” learning approach encompasses the areas of social, emotional, physical and intellectual development for every child. By using developmentally appropriate, hands-on, playful learning experiences we nurture the development of language and motor skills, foster confidence and independent thinking, and  teach students to be respectful, empathic and think of others around them. Our teachers and staff are committed to taking a personal approach to every parent and child, creating an environment that instills confidence and enthusiasm for learning.

Gesher Afterschool Program

Gesher is TBT’s response to many families that can’t access a Jewish Day School, but want to provide high quality Jewish education to their children.

Our program provides children and their families with a community environment that provides them a home every afternoon. Through a warm and engaging atmosphere, children learn about our relationship with G-d and through acts of loving-kindness, begin to learn the aleph-bet, get homework help and stay connected to their Temple community. We offer enrichment activities that support math, reading, and writing in addition to Judaism, science, sports, art and music.

Gesher is open to children from kindergarten to 6th grade.

Religious & Hebrew School

Temple Beth Tikvah’s Religious School Program will take place on Sunday mornings from 9:00am-12:00pm. Sundays will serve as the core of the Religious School experience for children in Kindergarten through 7th grade. Every Sunday will begin with an engaging school-wide T’filah service for children and their families followed by class time divided into two time blocks: Judaica and Hebrew. For their Judaica lessons, children will be placed in age-based classes focusing on Jewish Heroes and Mitzvot (K-4th grade) and Jewish Tradition and Identity (5th-7th grade). For their Hebrew lessons, children will be placed in skills-based classes focusing on Hebrew reading and decoding. ​​

In addition to the Sunday Hebrew curriculum, children will also have the opportunity to learn decoding and Hebrew reading during Hebrew School lessons which will take place on Wednesday evenings from 5:00-6:00pm. The Wednesday Hebrew lessons will reinforce and supplement the decoding and Hebrew reading lessons from Sundays. The mid-week Hebrew lessons will include holiday-focused vocabulary (K-3rd grade) and prayer meaning and T’filah practice (4th-7th grade). Wednesday Hebrew School lessons are optional for children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade, and a requirement for children in 4th through 7th grade as they approach their B’nai Mitzvah.

Sundays & Wednesdays, Grades K-7

First-time students will receive a 50% discount on tuition for their first year!

Bar/Bat Mitzvah & Teen Education

B'nai Mitzvah at TBT

B'nai Mitzvah at TBT is an opportunity for children and families to connect to a wide spectrum of Jewish experiences and to live Jewish values as a community. Spread over an entire year full of exploring and learning, B’nai Mitzvah is a nurturing environment in which children develop and strengthen their self-esteem and confidence, community awareness and a deep connection to their Jewish identity.

Grade 7

Mitzvah age symbolizes the time in which according to Jewish tradition children become formally partners in shaping our society. That’s why at TBT we are committed through meaningful activities to facilitate each child’s individual connection with Jewish tradition.

B’nai Mitzvah program at TBT spreads over an entire year full of exploring and learning. We will seek from the depths of our culture for mindfulness, ethics, social justice, environmental awareness, tradition and innovation, etc.

Our B'nai Mitzvah year is a nurturing environment in which children develop and strengthen their self-esteem and confidence, community awareness and a deep connection to their Jewish identity.

B’nai Mitzvah Program Highlights:

Experiential learning: values based activities

Beit Midrash: Torah learning, text-based discussion connected to action, values, and ethical exploration – recognizing various Jewish sources.

Exploring spirituality and prayer- Opening the Gates of Self Awareness.

Mitzvah Project: volunteering in an area of choice.

Torah Chanting – Joining the chain of a millenarian tradition.

D’var torah (sermon) preparation – Opening the gates of Public Speaking.




Our teen learning program is an opportunity for post-B'nai Mitzvah teens to engage in Jewish learning on a deeper and more advanced level than ever before. We focus on what it means to live a Jewish life, how their Jewish identity will carry them out of their childhood and into their emerging adulthood, and how they can remain connected to Jewish community in their authentic way.​

Teens will have two primary options for their programming: Tea, Teens, and Torah ONLY or TBTeens full program. 

Tea, Teens, and Torah is a program is open to all Jewish teenagers in Orange County. They will come together and have an evening of Jewish conversation facilitated by Rabbinical Fellow, Rabbi Daniel Levine.  The program takes place select Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm at Boba Time in Downtown Fullerton. 

Participation in TBTeens includes Religious & Hebrew School Madrichim, Monthy Confirmation Class with Rabbi Mati, Tea, Teens & Torah, and Monthly Youth Social Events.

Various Wednesdays & Sundays

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785